Tom Ingoglia on the Doctors

Tom Ingoglia, Founder of the Longevity Collective, and NAD+ advocate, was invited to share his personal experience with NAD+ for addiction on the popular TV show, The Doctors.

The Doctors is a well-known daily American hour-long talk show that has been running since 2008. The show focuses on health and medical issues, opening a space for in-depth discussions and debates medical professionals to take place to discuss a wide range of health, wellness, and nutrition-related topics. On occasion, researchers, patients, and even celebrities weigh in.

The Doctors host recently had expert guests, psychiatrist Dr. Domenick Sportelli and Dr. Barbara Andraka-Christou, to discuss the science of NAD+ therapy for addiction treatment. Longevity Collective’s Tom Ingoglia, was invited to speak about his personal, life-changing experience with NAD+.

Host Dr. Andrew Ordon explains that while it sounds like new science, NAD+ has been used since the late 1960s in IV form to significantly lessen withdrawals from drugs and alcohol. Advocates say it is the best current solution for drug abuse and post abuse withdrawal symptoms while critics say that there is not enough evidence to justify its use.

Dr. Ordon asks the question, “Is this a potential addiction cure that we have not fully tapped into yet?”

Dr. Repass, Board Certified Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Specialist explains what NAD+ is and how it is used in the body.

“NAD+ is an essential molecule that helps support enzyme function. Enzymes are the machines of the cell and it adjusts to support cells in making changes in the cell. Drugs and Alcohol are invaders of the cell and they come in an they change the cell function, and the cell has to adapt to them – this is called an allosteric state. We want to move back to homeostasis.

NAD+ will always be used as it is needed, but we are flooding the symptoms to remove limitations on how quickly these changes can occur. It allows people to more quickly and more completely detox from the substance.”[SMDBF1] 

 The Doctors asked why there aren’t more clinical studies about NAD+, and Dr. Repass explains,

“We’re dealing with an ill-defined and ill-treated problem. If we were to be doing this correctly, we would be focusing in on studying people while they’re detoxing. This process takes 10 days. How are we going to do a double-control placebo trial when I know that I see the people right before my eyes getting much better on the NAD+? It is unethical. I know this because I’ve treated people with the standard methods and have had a miserable time, and the restoration of their function is night and date.”

Dr. Repass ensures that many people who suffer from addition, can be adequantly treated with NAD+ and have their function restored. He goes on to describe  that because the addiction pharmaceutical industry is so well-funded, NAD+ cannot compete, since it is already widely available and does not require a prescription.

Tom Ingoglia, founder of the Longevity Collective was then invited on to share his personal experience with NAD+, which he attributes to saving his life.[SMDBF2] 

“I lost half my family to a car crash, and a best friend to a drug overdose. And I couldn’t mourn their loss because I was so sick, I was bedridden. I was in horrific pain. I had trouble with chronic pfatigue, trouble thinking. I went to doctors, and they gave me antibiotics which made me sicker, and they gave me opioids which I became addicted to, and at that point I just became desperate. I was at my lowest of lows. All the light in the world was gone for me.

And it was at that point where I was going to get well. I decided that I was going to get well or die trying. And that’s when I tried NAD+. After this 10-dat treatment with NAD+, my pain disappeared. I had this amazing energy. The way I experienced the world change. And ever since then, I’ve done everything that I could to get NAD+ out there to people that might be suffering in the same way.”

Tom goes on to share the seemingly magical experience he had with NAD+.

”In my support group… one of the things that came up was NAD+. It was rough for a week and I didn’t think it was working. And then I was talking with my roommate and he said, ‘hey let’s go out into the ocean’, and so we started playing in the ocean, and there was this shift that occurred. And it was like all the changes were happening suddenly, and my health just started getting better rapidly. I can’t explain how amazing that experience was. The thing that makes NAD+ so magical, is that it erases cravings once you become sober... It was like I never had opioids in the first place.”

Tom Ingoglia has been working hard to make well on his commitment to make NAD+ more available to everyone who might benefit from it. He went on to found the Longevity Collective  to help make NAD+ more widely available and to help people have open access information about NAD+ science.

You can learn more about Tom and the Longevity Collective Team here.

If you would like to watch the segment on The Doctors that discusses NAD+ you can explore the links below. (this is where Tom comes in)


Your Definitive Guide to NAD+ Boosters